Thursday 28 May 2009

Highest Form of Flattery


  1. For a long time I have wanted to do some photos that will eventually become paintings similar to Vermeer's work. So this one is not a copy of one of his paintings but similar in style. He had a few paintings with girls reading letters but I like mine better. It also has a bit of a Rembrandt feel which I also like. Everything fits the part except the modern haircut however with the hair dissolving into the background it doesn't stand out that much.

  2. Amy! I love this! I love the lighting!

  3. I never told you that the dress is made of upholstery fabric that I had intended on using on a long forgotten project, like pillows or something, cording and all. Therefore it all got reappropriated for a Halloween costume. Cool to see it in use again! I love Dutch Renaissance.

  4. I love these Amy! The one of Dasha too. You're so talented, and your girls are so beautiful! love, Whitney
